
Recently I read an interview with a foreign fashion stylist. He claims that we wear standard clothes, that tracksuit-mania and trainer-mania still prevail, and that we most often wear grey and dark colours.

I do not quite agree with this critical opinion. I believe we dress well, definitely better and better. We do not differ from other countries in this respect. First of all, I must praise women who have given up on ballet flats and trainers, and wear the most famous shoes this season: female Oxford shoes. The only thing I can agree on with this man are these terrible dark colours. This is true, grey and black prevail in our streets. Why? I think there are many reasons…

Let’s think about the criteria used when choosing a coat or jacket. Of course cut and price are the main determinants. However, colour also matters – we like being practical ,and we most often choose grey and dark clothes that we can wear throughout the season. Functionality and comfort.

On the other hand, let’s check out what colours the shops offer.

They are most often different shades of grey, to black. And where are those beautiful pastel colours, from light ash-grey to numerous shades of beige, with a particular focus on the currently most popular camel? There are just few of them. And these are sales showrooms that dictate to us what is fashionable and what we wear in a given season. They employ designers whose task it is to create unique and most fashionable collections, in keeping with global trends. Still, it happens that they sometimes yield to street fashion and make, en masse, for example recently fashionable quilted jackets. I hope this is already history, and manufacturers who sew beautiful coats and jackets made from petersham will come back to their traditions, offer their customers a rich and diverse collection, and just forget about quilted jackets.



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